CicLAvia Takes Over Mid-City and Pico-Union Areas of Los Angeles

CicLAvia-Mid City Meets Pico Union event promotes walking, biking, and other non-motorized forms of transport.

CicLAvia-Mid City Meets Pico Union event was held in LA to promote walking, biking, and other non-motorized forms of transport. The event was held from 9 am to 4 pm on Sunday and covered a 4-mile route. Hubs at different locations provided facilities such as water stations, restrooms, bike parking, bike repair, food trucks, and first-aid stations. Motorized vehicles were prohibited, but people were permitted to walk, bike, or skate along the route.

CicLAvia events are organized to bring communities together, support local businesses, and promote healthy outdoor activities. The event held in February was in the San Fernando Valley.