Desperate Plea for Help: Family of Kidnapped American Mother Urges Action from Presidents Biden and López Obrador

The family of Maria del Carmen Lopez, kidnapped in Mexico 119 days ago, appeals to Presidents Biden and López Obrador for assistance in the slow-moving investigation. Desperation mounts.

The harrowing ordeal of Maria del Carmen Lopez continues to haunt her family as they passionately implore both U.S. President Joe Biden and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for urgent help. In a heart-wrenching press conference, the children of Maria, an American citizen residing in Pueblo Nuevo, Colima, Mexico, recounted the painful absence of their mother since her abduction 119 days ago while tending to her garden.

Expressing their profound longing, daughter Zoe Lopez struggled to find words to convey their anguish, “We miss her with a pain that defies words. I implore you to hear my words, to feel my anguish. I implore you to take immediate action.”

According to the Lopez family, their mother’s kidnapping appears to be the result of a coordinated operation by a criminal gang. Toni Lopez, the first to receive a call from the kidnappers, revealed that an exorbitant sum was demanded for their mother’s safe return, a sum beyond their means. “We knew right away we were in trouble because we don’t have that type of money,” Toni shared. “Even if we begged for help, we were never going to obtain that.”

Tragically, the family’s only connection to their abducted mother was a distressing audio recording in which Maria pleaded with her children to act swiftly and comply with the kidnappers’ demands. “Please hurry. Act quickly, my children. And give them what they want. My life depends on it,” her desperate voice echoed.

Since then, all communication with the kidnappers has ceased, leaving the family in a state of agonizing uncertainty. In their tireless quest for Maria’s safe return, the family seeks the support of the FBI, which has offered a reward of up to $20,000 for any information leading to her whereabouts. Maria del Carmen Lopez is described as Hispanic, standing at 5 feet 2 inches, weighing approximately 160 pounds, with blonde hair, brown eyes, and distinctive “permanent/tattooed” eyeliner.

Individuals possessing any relevant information have been urged to contact their local FBI office, the nearest American Embassy or Consulate, or the Los Angeles FBI at 310-477-6565. Tips can also be submitted online at, providing a glimmer of hope in this heartrending ordeal.