Dodgers Extend Apology and Embrace Inclusion for LGBTQ+ Pride Night

Los Angeles Dodgers apologize to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, reversing their exclusion and extending an invitation for LGBTQ+ Pride Night, demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity.

In a notable turn of events, the Los Angeles Dodgers have reversed their position after drawing criticism for rescinding an invitation to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Expressing remorse, the team has issued an apology to the group, alongside extending a renewed invitation for the upcoming LGBTQ+ Pride Night on Friday, June 16.

Last week, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence found themselves at the center of controversy, as religious organizations and Sen. Marco Rubio accused them of deriding Christians. In response, the Dodgers initially excluded the organization from participating in the forthcoming pride night celebrations.

However, following careful consideration of feedback from various communities, internal discussions within the Dodgers organization, and constructive dialogue with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the team has taken a different stance. The Dodgers now offer their sincerest apologies to the Sisters, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and their loved ones.

The Dodgers have graciously invited the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to take their rightful place on the field during the 10th annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night. The team recognizes and appreciates the immense contributions made by the Sisters throughout the decades, applauding their unwavering dedication to life-saving endeavors.

Looking ahead, the Dodgers remain committed to deepening their understanding and strengthening bonds with LGBTQ+ partners. They aim to leverage their platform to support and uplift every fan, celebrating the vibrant diversity that comprises the Dodgers family.

Joe Hollendoner, CEO of the Los Angeles LGBT Center, has expressed support for the Dodgers’ decision and the Sisters’ acceptance of the second invitation. Hollendoner hails the team’s public apology as a positive step forward, highlighting the need for unity within the community and the defense of LGBTQ+ rights in the face of ongoing challenges.

The Los Angeles LGBT Center extends its gratitude to the local community for rallying in support of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. This collective mobilization played a crucial role in compelling the Dodgers to rectify their previous misstep. The Center proudly stands with the Sisters, recognizing their significant contributions to the LGBTQ+ movement, and eagerly anticipates joining them at Pride Night to honor their invaluable work.

The Dodgers’ course correction and the open dialogue fostered with organizational leaders demonstrate a commendable form of allyship. The Los Angeles LGBT Center remains committed to holding corporate partners accountable, emphasizing the significance of tangible actions that transcend symbolic gestures, such as proudly waving a rainbow flag.

In embracing inclusivity and extending a heartfelt apology, the Los Angeles Dodgers have set a positive example, reinforcing the importance of acceptance and celebration of LGBTQ+ individuals and their vital role within the wider community.