Dodgers’ Invitation Reversal Sparks Archdiocese Criticism

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles condemns the Dodgers for renewing an invite to "queer and trans nuns," drawing backlash and disappointment from the Catholic community.

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles expressed its disapproval on Tuesday after the Los Angeles Dodgers backtracked on their decision to exclude a group of “queer and trans nuns” called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from the team’s Pride Night event. The Dodgers faced criticism from LGBTQ+ advocacy groups and elected officials following the initial withdrawal of the invitation.

However, on Monday, the team publicly apologized and extended a renewed invitation to the Sisters. The Archdiocese called on Catholics to unite against the reversal, highlighting the concern, anger, and dismay within the Catholic community over honoring a group that mocks their faith.

The Dodgers acknowledged the diverse feedback received and expressed their sincere apologies to the Sisters and the LGBTQ+ community. The Sisters are set to receive a Community Hero Award during Pride Night in recognition of their work promoting human rights, diversity, and spiritual enlightenment.

The Los Angeles LGBT Center commended the Dodgers’ change of heart as a positive step, emphasizing the need to stand together against anti-LGBTQ+ bias and defend the rights and recognition of LGBTQ+ individuals. However, the decision faced opposition from Catholic organizations and Sen.

Marco Rubio, who accused the group of regularly disparaging Christians. The Catholic League, led by President Bill Donohue, claimed credit for the Dodgers’ decision, alleging that they reached out to Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred to protest the initial invitation.

Rubio and the organization Catholic Vote also expressed their dissatisfaction with the Sisters’ inclusion in the event, describing the group as an anti-Catholic hate group known for mocking Catholic nuns. The Sisters, in response, expressed deep offense at being uninvited and labeled the decision as a capitulation to misleading information from external sources. They stressed their status as a nonprofit organization working to support marginalized communities.

In related news, Anaheim Mayor Ashleigh Aitken invited the Sisters to attend the Los Angeles Angels Pride Night at Angel Stadium on June 7, criticizing the Dodgers’ initial exclusion as lacking inclusivity. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange criticized Mayor Aitken for extending the invitation, adding to the ongoing debate surrounding the participation of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in these events.