Former Disney employee arrested for taking “upskirt” videos of female guests

A former Disney employee was arrested for taking "upskirt" videos of female guests, admitting to doing so for six years and having over 500 videos on his phone. He was caught after a security guard witnessed him taking a video of an 18-year-old woman in a store and was charged with one count of video voyeurism.

A former Disney employee was arrested for taking “upskirt” videos of women at the park for six years. Jorge Diaz Vega admitted to having over 500 videos on his phone and claimed it was difficult to find them online.

He was caught after a security guard witnessed him recording a video of an 18-year-old female guest at the Dok-Ondar store. Diaz-Vega was charged with one count of video voyeurism and taken to the Orange County Jail.

The incident raises concerns over privacy and the potential for such incidents to occur at theme parks.