Former USC Football Player Charged with Rape of Two Women

Joshua Jackson Jr., a former USC Trojans football player, has been charged with four felony counts, including rape, stemming from accusations made by two separate women at USC and UCLA.

Joshua Jackson Jr., a former cornerback for the University of Southern California (USC) Trojans football team, has been charged with four felony counts, including forcible sexual penetration and forcible rape, according to District Attorney George Gascón.

The charges against Jackson are based on accusations made by two different women. One incident allegedly occurred between June 1 and September 1, 2022, at his apartment, where Jackson is accused of raping a UCLA student. The second case involves an accusation of rape against a classmate at her USC apartment in March 2023.

In addition to these charges, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has stated that Jackson is also accused of assaulting a woman in San Diego at some point between 2020 and now, although specific details about that allegation have not been provided.

Gascon emphasized the seriousness of sexual assault and expressed support for the two women who came forward to report the alleged assaults. He stated that justice must be served and that the responsible individual should be held accountable for their actions.

Jackson was arrested on Wednesday and is currently being held on $1.4 million bail. His arraignment is scheduled to take place this week. The LAPD is leading the investigation into this case and has encouraged any other potential victims or individuals with information to come forward and contact the department at the provided phone numbers.

The charges against Jackson highlight the importance of addressing and combating sexual assault, emphasizing the need for justice and support for survivors who bravely share their stories.