Is Texas Ready to Replace Hollywood? Dennis Quaid Speaks on the Growing Push for a Move to the Lone Star State

With California losing residents to more politically red states, such as Texas, could the film industry be next to make a move? Actor Dennis Quaid explains why the Lone Star State is becoming an attractive option for Hollywood.

As California continues to face high prices and radical policies, many former residents are making the move to more business-friendly states like Florida and Texas. But what about the film industry? With Hollywood at the heart of California, could it be possible for the industry to relocate to the Lone Star State?

Actor Dennis Quaid sat down with “Jesse Watters Primetime” to discuss why there is a growing push for the film industry to move out of California and into Texas. Quaid shared that there is legislation brewing in the Texas State House to increase film funding from $40 million to possibly $300 million, making it an attractive option for the industry.

But it’s not just about the money. Quaid also emphasized the potential for Texas to rev up its economy by bringing in a lot of film people, including carpenters, painters, and hotel workers. Plus, with no state income tax in Texas, it’s a highly attractive option for actors and other industry professionals.

This isn’t the first time Texas has stolen an industry from California. After the pandemic hit and California’s COVID lockdowns made it difficult for the film industry to operate, Gov. Gavin Newsom called on the industry to return to the state. However, Quaid and other industry professionals see the potential for Texas to become the new Hollywood, thanks to its growing population and business-friendly policies.

As the film industry continues to evolve and adapt to changing times, it will be interesting to see if Texas becomes the new home for Hollywood. Only time will tell if this growing push for a move to the Lone Star State will become a reality.