Justine Bateman: Preserving Humanity in Hollywood’s AI Era

Justine Bateman shares her heartfelt concerns about AI's impact on human connection and creativity in Hollywood.

Not just anyone or anything can make it in Hollywood, according to the talented and outspoken Justine Bateman. The former “Family Ties” actress and accomplished director is passionate about preserving the essence of human expression and connection in the entertainment industry, firmly standing against the growing presence of artificial intelligence.

Bateman believes that technology should serve to solve human problems rather than replace human talent. In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, she voiced her strong opposition to the use of AI, such as ChatGPT and similar software, to write screenplays. Bateman emphasized that there is no shortage of talented writers, actors, and directors, and replacing them with AI technology does not solve any real problems.

As Hollywood faces a writers’ strike, the concerns around AI’s infiltration into the industry are mounting. Bateman fears that the convergence of AI and entertainment is eroding the core of human nature. She expressed sadness over the increasing reliance on AI, which she believes is taking us further away from what it means to be human.

The actress highlighted the detrimental financial implications of AI implementation driven by greed. While the entertainment business already generates substantial profits, the allure of even greater earnings has led some to explore the use of AI as a means to reduce costs associated with human involvement. Bateman cautioned against sacrificing genuine creativity and human expression for the sake of speed and efficiency.

Bateman also raised concerns about the use of AI in preserving the legacies of actors. Citing the practice of scanning actors by Lucasfilm, she acknowledged the advanced capabilities of AI technology, enabling more comprehensive use of these scans. However, Bateman questioned the ethical implications of relying heavily on AI to recreate actors’ performances after their passing.

In the realm of de-aging actors through AI, Bateman urged directors to consider the natural movements and mannerisms associated with aging. She emphasized the importance of preserving an actor’s true essence and performance, rather than solely focusing on their rejuvenated appearance.

Addressing the broader issue, Bateman expressed worry about the potential infringement on writers’ intellectual property rights. AI programming often relies on training models with existing scripts, which she considers a form of plagiarism. This concern has led the Writer’s Guild of America (WGA) to propose regulations regarding AI’s use in the industry, aiming to ensure fair compensation and prevent unauthorized use of existing material.

Bateman firmly believes that her writing expertise eliminates the need for AI assistance. She finds the idea of relying on AI-generated content absurd, comparing it to having someone else work out on your behalf when exercise is meant to be enjoyed personally. While hoping that her concerns will prove unfounded, Bateman remains steadfast in her conviction that preserving human connection and creativity should take precedence in the entertainment industry.

In a time where AI’s influence is expanding rapidly, Justine Bateman’s passionate stance serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing our humanity and safeguarding the authenticity of human expression in Hollywood.