Kim Kardashian’s Passion for Criminal Justice Reform

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian is using her platform to make a difference in criminal justice reform. From passing the baby bar exam to partnering with Oxygen and visiting inmates, Kardashian is dedicated to making a change. In a recent interview, she shared that she would be happy to give up her stardom to become a full-time lawyer. Despite facing criticism from naysayers, Kardashian is determined to make her mark in the movement and follow in the footsteps of her late father.

Kim Kardashian may have made a name for herself in the entertainment industry, but her true passion lies in criminal justice reform. Her interest in the subject is a result of her late father, Robert Kardashian Sr., who was a prominent attorney.

In 2019, Kardashian revealed that she was studying to become a lawyer, following in her father’s footsteps. Two years later, she passed the baby bar exam, a first-year law students’ examination. Despite not yet being an official lawyer, Kardashian has been a vocal advocate for criminal justice reform.

One way she has used her platform to make a difference is by partnering with Oxygen to release a two-hour documentary called “The Justice Project.” The documentary follows the cases of four inmates who Kardashian believes have been wrongfully convicted. She has also launched a podcast, “Kim Kardashian’s The System,” which discusses the intricacies of the criminal justice system.

Kardashian has also visited inmates across the country and has been a vocal advocate for clemency. In 2018, she famously lobbied then-President Donald Trump for the release of Alice Johnson, who had served 21 years in prison for a nonviolent offense. Kardashian’s efforts paid off, and Johnson was granted clemency and released from prison.

In a recent interview, Kardashian shared that she would be happy to give up her stardom to become a full-time lawyer. She has a passion for criminal justice reform and hopes that her efforts in the movement will be her life’s most meaningful work.

Despite facing criticism from naysayers who question her qualifications and motives, Kardashian remains determined to make her mark in the movement. She recently visited the California State Prison of Los Angeles County in Lancaster, spending several hours with members of the REFORM Alliance and a number of young social media stars. The goal of the trip was to introduce a new group of Gen-Z influencers to key issues of criminal justice and proposals for reform.

Kim Kardashian’s passion for criminal justice reform shows that she is more than just a reality TV star. She is using her platform to make a difference and follow in the footsteps of her late father. By redefining her legacy, Kardashian is proving that she is dedicated to making a change and being a force for good in the world.