Miraculous Rescue: 10 Lost Hikers Found Safe in Ventura County Wilderness

Ten hikers, aged 16-18, were rescued after getting lost in the Santa Paula Canyon. Search and rescue teams successfully led them to safety.

In a remarkable display of bravery and teamwork, ten hikers who went missing in the rugged terrain of Santa Paula Canyon have been safely rescued by Ventura County authorities.

The harrowing ordeal began on May 12, around 8 p.m., when the group of hikers sent a distress text message to the sheriff’s dispatch, expressing their inability to find their way back. Fortunately, they were able to utilize the life-saving Apple Emergency SOS feature, which connected them with the authorities.

Simultaneously, the guardians of the hikers also contacted Ventura County deputies at the trailhead to report their loved ones missing. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, a team of 13 dedicated search and rescue crew members embarked on a challenging four-mile hike into the canyon.

Undeterred by low visibility, treacherous stream crossings, and trails damaged by recent rainfall, the experienced search and rescue crews pressed forward, determined to locate the lost hikers. Their expertise and unwavering commitment paid off when they discovered the group at approximately 11:15 p.m.

Over the course of several hours, the rescue team skillfully guided the relieved hikers down the trailhead, ultimately reuniting them with their anxiously waiting guardians by 2:40 a.m. It was a moment of immense relief and gratitude, knowing that all ten hikers had emerged from their ordeal unharmed.

The age range of the hikers was between 16 and 18, and officials revealed that most of them were ill-prepared for the challenging hike. Recognizing the importance of their safety, the search and rescue teams provided the hikers with essential supplies such as food, water, and lighting equipment to ensure a secure journey out of the Santa Paula Canyon.

This heartwarming rescue serves as a reminder of the tireless efforts of our dedicated search and rescue teams, who risk their lives to protect and save others in times of need. It also serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the significance of proper preparation and respect for nature when embarking on outdoor adventures.

As the hikers begin their journey to recover from their harrowing experience, their story stands as a testament to the power of determination, community support, and the unwavering commitment to safety.