Rise in pet poisoning cases linked to recreational drugs, warns ASPCA

Marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms and cocaine are among the top toxins for pets, according to the ASPCA's annual report.

For the first time ever, recreational drugs including marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms, and cocaine made the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ (ASPCA) annual list of top toxins, with the rise in cases linked to the legalization of recreational marijuana.

The ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center Director Dr. Tina Wismer warns that there has been a 700% increase in marijuana-related cases over the last five years. Pet owners need to start treating products containing THC like prescription drugs and changing the way they store them.

Experts advise pet owners to be extra-vigilant while walking pets outside and take immediate action if they suspect their pets have been exposed to recreational drugs.