San Fernando Police Officer Faces Charges of Robbery and Extortion in Alleged Theft Incident

A San Fernando police officer, Jeffrey King, is charged with robbery and extortion for allegedly stealing money from a restrained suspect during an arrest.

San Fernando, California – A San Fernando police officer, Jeffrey King, has been charged with robbery and extortion following accusations of stealing money from a man he was arresting. The charges include one felony count each of second-degree robbery and extortion, as well as one misdemeanor count of petty theft.

According to the District Attorney’s office, the incident took place on June 21, 2022, when King responded to a potential domestic violence call at a residence in San Fernando. After apprehending a suspect, who was subsequently booked into jail, the individual reported missing money that had been in their pocket upon release two days later.

Investigations revealed that during the arrest, while the suspect was restrained, King allegedly seized cell phones and cash from the suspect’s pockets. Although he handed over the phones to a supervisor, the cash was never logged as evidence or returned to its rightful owner.

District Attorney Gascón emphasized the importance of integrity in law enforcement, stating, “Law enforcement officers take an oath to uphold the law, not to break it. Maintaining integrity is a fundamental principle of law enforcement, and stealing personal belongings during an arrest is a clear violation of that trust.”

The charges against Officer King underscore the significance of maintaining public trust and adherence to the law within the law enforcement community. The allegations highlight the imperative for officers to demonstrate professionalism, respect, and accountability in their interactions with the public.

As the legal process unfolds, the case against Jeffrey King will determine the extent of his alleged involvement in the theft incident. The outcome of the proceedings will not only impact the accused officer but also serve as a reminder of the need for transparency, accountability, and the safeguarding of public trust in the law enforcement system.