Siblings of Noah Cuatro Come Forward with Abuse Allegations Against Parents in Amended Complaint

New allegations have emerged in the case of Noah Cuatro, the 4-year-old Palmdale boy who died under suspicious circumstances in 2019. The siblings of Noah have come forward with allegations of abuse by their parents, according to a proposed amended complaint in the case. The wrongful death suit, brought by Noah's great-grandmother, seeks permission to file the amended complaint with new allegations. A hearing is scheduled for April 26.

In the tragic case of Noah Cuatro, new allegations of abuse have emerged. According to a proposed amended complaint in the case, the siblings of Noah Cuatro have come forward with allegations of abuse by their parents, Jose Cuatro and Ursula Elaine Juarez.

Noah’s great-grandmother, Evangelina Hernandez, brought the wrongful death suit in July 2020 on behalf of Noah’s sister and two brothers. The children are now in a secure home and in the process of being adopted by Hernandez. One of the siblings recently disclosed to Hernandez and her son, Matthew Hernandez, about the abuses he had seen his siblings suffer, mostly at the hands of their father.

The proposed amended complaint alleges that the oldest sibling was often forced by Jose Cuatro to “physically fight and beat up” Noah. The same sibling revealed that he and Noah were always hungry, and that he saw his parents slapping his surviving brother in the face when he was an infant. The sibling also observed his parents fighting frequently and expressed fear of his father, who would beat him up by punching him and hitting him with his belt, according to the plaintiffs’ lawyers.

Noah’s parents were indicted in January 2020 on one count each of murder and torture in their son’s death. The indictment also charges Jose Cuatro with assault on a child causing death and sexual penetration of a child under 10. Noah’s death occurred after multiple reports of abuse had already been made to the county Department of Children and Family Services, according to the suit.

The tragic story of Noah Cuatro has touched many people, and the allegations of abuse by his parents, now expanded to include his siblings, only add to the heartbreak of this case. As the legal proceedings continue, many are hoping that justice will be served for Noah and his siblings, and that their story will bring greater attention to the issue of child abuse and neglect. A hearing is scheduled for April 26 to determine whether the amended complaint will be allowed.