Teen Dies from Apparent Overdose in Los Angeles County Juvenile Hall

An 18-year-old was found dead from an apparent overdose at a juvenile hall in Los Angeles. This comes amid reports of multiple overdose incidents and poor conditions at the facility. County officials are facing criticism for failing to provide safe and compassionate care for youth in their supervision. The county is cooperating with law enforcement and offering crisis counseling to both youth and staff. Plans for improving the juvenile detention system are in place, but concerns about compliance with state regulations persist.

An 18-year-old housed at a juvenile hall in Los Angeles County died from an apparent overdose. This comes amid an Office of Inspector General report in April detailing at least three overdose incidents at the same hall this year.

Two youths were taken to local medical facilities and/or were revived by Narcan after overdoses linked to the synthetic opioid, Fentanyl.

County attorneys also appeared in court on Tuesday in response to allegations by state prosecutors that conditions in the facilities were “appalling.” In addition, the state Board of State and Community Corrections has been considering possibly ordering the shutdown of the county’s juvenile halls altogether due to lack of compliance with state regulations.