“Tragic Fishing Adventure in Alaska Claims Lives of Three, Leaves Two Missing”

A family's fishing trip in Alaska turns tragic as a boat chartering expedition results in three deaths and two individuals still missing.

A family of eight embarked on an Alaska fishing adventure over the Memorial Day weekend, but their trip quickly turned into a nightmare when disaster struck one of the chartered boats. The incident resulted in the deaths of three people and left two others missing, despite an extensive search effort covering hundreds of square miles of ocean.

The Tyau family, who had gathered for a rare family get-together, experienced unimaginable loss. Two sisters and one of their husbands lost their lives, while the partner of one sister and the boat captain remain missing. The partially submerged boat was discovered off an island in southeast Alaska, leading authorities to suspend a lengthy search covering 825 square miles. Currently, there are no plans to resume the search.

The parents, older brother, and sister-in-law of the sisters involved in the tragedy were on a separate charter boat as part of the three-day fishing trip. Although the sisters and their sister-in-law were not avid fishermen, they joined the vacation to spend quality time with their family, which was usually dispersed between Hawaii and Los Angeles.

Michael Tyau, the older brother, expressed the devastation the family felt, as the trip was intended to be a simple family gathering after a long time apart. The Tyau siblings had grown up fishing in Hawaii with their parents, and while they disliked the cold and wet conditions, they endured them to accompany their water-loving parents and later their partners.

The trip to the Sitka Sound area, known for king salmon and groundfish, was suggested by the siblings’ mother, and a fishing vacation won over other options. Brandi Tyau’s longtime partner, Robert Solis, who had a deep connection to the ocean, embraced the opportunity, while the sisters reluctantly agreed.

Tragically, during Sunday’s fishing expedition, when the family members reunited on the boats, the Awakin, one of the chartered boats, did not return, leading to concerns for the safety of those on board. The bodies of Brandi Tyau and Danielle Agcaoili were discovered inside the cabin, while Maury Agcaoili’s body was found near the boat. Solis and the boat captain, Morgan Robidou, remain missing.

The circumstances surrounding the incident aboard the Awakin on Sunday are still unclear, and recovery efforts have been hindered by rough seas and strong winds. Coast Guard investigators are working to determine the cause and timeline of the tragedy, as the area experienced waves ranging from 6 to 11 feet.

This devastating turn of events has left the Tyau family shattered and a community in mourning, highlighting the inherent risks involved in even the most picturesque and cherished adventures.