Eight dolphins die in mass stranding event on New Jersey beaches

A pod of eight dolphins, stranded on New Jersey beaches, has led to the death of all eight. The Marine Mammal Stranding Center is investigating.

Tragic news has emerged from Cape May County, where a group of dolphins became stranded on beaches earlier this week in what officials are describing as a ‘mass stranding event’. A pod of eight dolphins, including six at the 52nd Street beach and two at the beach on 50th Street in Sea Isle City, were confirmed to have become stranded on Tuesday morning.

Efforts to care for the stranded animals were underway, with crews creating pools of water around them and covering them with wet blankets and towels. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, two of the dolphins were unable to survive, while the remaining six were taken in for further evaluation.

Later in the day, the Marine Mammal Stranding Center released an update confirming the tragic decision to humanely euthanize the six remaining dolphins. Veterinarians who assessed the stranded animals found that their conditions were rapidly deteriorating, leaving them with little chance of recovery.

All eight dolphins have since been transported to state labs for necropsies in an effort to understand the reason for their stranding. The Stranding Center expressed their condolences, saying “We share in the public’s sorrow for these beautiful animals, and hope that the necropsies will help us understand the reason for their stranding”.

This is a deeply saddening event, and Sea Isle City Police, Fire, EMS, and Public Works Department all assisted in the rescue efforts, demonstrating the community’s commitment to animal welfare.