Interview: OnlyOneOf captivated our senses with their own storytelling

Offstage, frank talks. Talk with them was full of bright energy. We would like to share the story and thoughts about the music through the interview with OnlyOneOf.

Original Interview

Our music friends, eardrum boyfriend, irreplaceable.

OnlyOneOf captivated our senses with their own storytelling.

The weather is very cold these days. The effects of the virus that continued since last year have created a physical distance from people. Being far away would mean that our minds could also be far away from each other. So I think this winter feels especially colder. But here are our ‘music friends’ who melt our hearts with passion and energy. OnlyOneOf melted my heart by conducting interviews with bright energy. We don’t need a hot pack anymore.

OnlyOneOf is unraveling their music world with a unique worldview of dots, lines, and sides. It means that the line begins with a dot, forms a line, and the line gathers to form a side. I think it’s a very mature attempt, and as expected, the members are full of creative desires. Listening to the song ‘dOra maar,’ which made the song “picassO” and borrowed the name of Dora Maar, Picasso’s lover and muse, I thought it was excellent at bringing inspiration from outside of music to music. Wasn’t it the era of crossovers? OnlyOneOf did a great job.

#about OnlyOneOf

Q. Here comes 2021! Please say hello to the fans and the ones who will be into you for the New Year!


Yeap. Let’s say hello. (One, Two)


Hello, we are OnlyOneOf!


We all had a rough year in 2020. I hope 2021 will be a year to find stability and happiness.


That’s right. We will be back with good songs and good performances in 2021, so stay tuned everyone!


Nevertheless, happy new year everybody! We’ll come back with a better performance!


I hope you’ll be 5 times healthier and happy than in 2020.


Is it 5 times because it’s OOO? (O is the same pronunciation as the number 5 in Korean.)


For sure.


That’s a deep meaning!

Q. What are the words or sentences that describe OnlyOneOf?


I think OnlyOneOf is something good. I think there are good songs, good performances, and good people in the team. 


I think ‘An eardrum boyfriend.’


Love ya!




Look, eardrums are talking!


I think ‘Sexy and a real-boyfriend-like idol.’


I hope OnlyOneOf will be the only gift.


Oh! The gift.


To the fans.


Then I’d say ‘The only one, irreplaceable’


I think we have a special ability to digest any content in our own unique way.


I’m still trying to be defined as ‘Real Unique.’


One is right, but not two! It’s the only one!


Of course!

Q. Through the music released, the story of OnlyOneOf has developed with dots, lines, and sides. What is the next step you are aiming for?


Dots, lines, and sides are about our gradual perfection, not some story. Rather, the Genesis from savanna to sage is our storytelling. We will come back with the songs called ‘Age’ and ‘Savage.’ Please look forward to it.


Can we talk about this?


As expected, spoiler fairy Rie gave you a big present!

Q. You guys are meeting your fans with innovative content and events such as daily Youtube Live and Drive-through fan meetings. What is the most memorable reaction or comment from your fan?


I’ve met a test taker who is about to enter a university! As I graduated from college, I really cheered her on with the hope that she would get accepted, and I was very happy to hear that she passed the university shortly after.




During the drive-through fan meeting, there was a fan who said that it didn’t feel like we were seeing each other in person because we were wearing masks. It was so heartbreaking.


I’m so sorry to hear that.


I can’t wait to see you without a mask after the Covid is smashed!


Are you serious, Nine?


Is it true that you are speeding up the research?


For sure, Yes! 


These days, I always feel warm-hearted in the process of communicating with fans every day through YouTube live, sharing stories of the day, and exchanging energy through various methods such as how to overcome a slump. 


I’m sure the fans are tired because they’re busy with their schedules, but they’re coming to see us by taking some time to rest. I’m so thankful that you’re investing your time for us.


I always remember all the fans at every moment. There are fans who are so nervous that they can’t say everything they want to say, and those who say good things to us and give us strength. I think our OnlyOneOf can exist by having fans.


I remember the comment ‘I’m so happy that you sang on stage’ from a fan on YouTube live. It’s very meaningful to be able to convey happiness to people.


It’s very touching.

Drive-through fan meeting was very successful.

#about Music

Q. There are tracks that some of you participated in composing, such as ‘Fragile,’ ‘Desert,’ ‘Heartbreak Terminal,’ and ‘OnlyOneOf me.’ When did you get interested in composition?


I’ve been interested in melody making since I was a trainee, but I started to do beat making because I was attracted to ‘I’m making my own song’ while preparing for my debut.


I wanted to make good music while listening to good music, so I got interested in it. So naturally, I kept trying to make better music.


All the members can write and compose the lyrics, but the members who are more interested in it are KB, Nine, and Love. I’m still lacking, but I’m also interested in it these days, so I’m practicing hard.

Q. You recently released songs from well-known Korean producers such as GroovyRoom, GRAY, and many more! How do you think this experience will help your musical journey?

GRAY produced their song ‘angel.’ He said, “This song is popular and danceable, and I hope we can cooperate again.”


I think I learned the sense of producers and how to work. I learned how to approach and improve the artist’s abilities. I think we’ve gained a lot of help in our music journey.


I think it was the process of finding our color. I learned a lot about the genre of the song, how to change the style of the vocal in each atmosphere.


I had a new experience through a genre that I didn’t do before.


Each comment was a great help to me, and I think I was able to grow little by little every time I worked on it.


My view of music became wider. It was a good experience because it seemed like there was a way to make more diverse music while taking the unique music style of OnlyOneOf.

Q.  I found several covers on your Youtube Channel, the sensual arrangement in every cover was so impressive. Is there any song you’d like to make your own style like ‘MONEY’ by DAWN and ‘Guilty’ by Dynamic Duo?


I think it’ll be fun if we rearrange our songs. It might be hard to get the direction because it’s already been made, but I think there’s something new.


That’s a great idea


That’ll be fun!


To be honest, it was hard to change it to a completely different genre, but in the end, I felt rewarded when the genre was changed and the result came out. So I want to keep trying to change the genre.


I’m confident that I’ll make any song fun and cool.


As expected, YooJung!


We recently arranged the vocal for Dynamic Duo’s “Guilty”. If I have a chance, I want to sing Justin Bieber’s song.


We’re huge fans!


I’d like to change all the music to the style of OnlyOneOf.


We would like to make a dance version of Haeil’s ‘Dokkaebi’, who is giving us a great song.


In the dance version?


I feel like you are watching me~ (lyrics from Dokkaebi)


That’ll be great.

Q. What inspired you to do music or perform?


I work with ideas that come to my mind every time to time.


Genius style?


That’s not true. Haha


The theme and lyrics of the song are inspired by communicating with the fans.


While doing the live broadcast?




I study other artists’ facial expressions and gestures a lot, and I mix my own styles and use them on stage.


Show me your eyebrows.


(Eyebrows wiggling)


There are melodies that come in from time to time when I blank out with music on. I think I get a lot of that from watching other artists’ music videos too.


I think I usually get inspired by movies or novels. I think storytelling is always important for performance. I think about what I want to deliver to the audience first, it seems very simple but difficult at the same time.


I get inspired when all the members gather and talk together.


Through a meeting.


Communication is always the point

Q.  Is there any song that reminds you of your fans among your songs released? Can we expect your fan song for your upcoming album?


It’s called OnlyOneOf You! We made it to mean that our fans are the one and only. Every song we work on reminds us of our fans. I think we can call every song a fan song.


We want to make a song that sings about our fans and our hopes. Please be looking forward to it!


‘Off Angel’ comes to mind. It’s a difficult situation to see our fans who are supporting us in these difficult times, and it reminds us of everyone who misses each other. 


There is a song that I worked on with JunJi thinking about a fan song. I’m not sure if it’ll be included in this album, but I’ll continue to try to purify your ears with better music.


You can look forward to it. And I hope that all the songs had a good influence on the fans. (Everyone claps)

#about TikTok

Q. You are known as TikTok top creator who has 1.4 followers! How did you guys attract the TikTokers?


The staff caught the trend on TikTok quickly and we reinterpreted it in our own style. That’s our charm. There are funny and cool things in the process, and I think that’s what caught the hearts of TikTokers.


Because the members were not afraid and enjoyed themselves, and I think it was possible because the people around us were supporting us very well.


There are many ways to show various charms on TikTok. There are many ways to show coolness, cuteness, and fun sides so I think a lot of people are interested in it.


I personally wanted to make funny moments. I wanted to show charisma and discipline on stage and a beagle-like side under the stage.


That was hilarious


While filming various videos, the members are not afraid of being ugly. I think TikTokker liked our honest and humane sides. 


I think it’s because we showed our fans our charms through various concepts.


We just worked hard, but thank you for liking us.


Thank you! (Everybody claps)


We’ll try harder!

Q. Who’s the most creative when filming a video?


KB. He always works hard for the best result. It could be hard to shoot several times, but I was always satisfied with the result.


Thank you. In that sense, I think it’s me. I have a lot of fun ideas, but I’m sad that it’s not expressed well.


When we’re filming TikTok, I think we all have our true feelings. When we’re filming, everybody’s thinking about how can we make this video so special. 


Each of us has a lot of ideas.

Love, Nine, Mill

That’s right.


I feel like I’m a bad person


Yes, you pointed at yourself.

Q.  Are you planning to lead another challenge like #angelchallenge ?


If I have a chance, I’d like to challenge the new songs that will come out. I love how many people listen to our songs and are interested. 


As a 1.4 million TikTokker, I can say it’s a given.


There are so many challenges that I want to do and I want to be an ‘OnlyOneOf’ that gives you a good influence.


WA~~ (Claps) That is the point.


You’re a great quote maker!

Q. Could you leave a message for your fans and PRESSREELS subscribers!


Thanks to the good questions, I was able to look back on my activities and life. Thank you. Our performances and songs are great, so please show a lot of interest!


Just like the name of OnlyOneOf, I’m trying to be the one and only team for you. We’ll be back in 2021, so please keep your eyes on us.


I think it was a very useful time during the interview. We have a lot of things to show you, so please continue to show us your interest and love.


Happy New Year. Thank you so much for loving OnlyOneOf. We’ll continue to work hard so that we can be your good and comfortable music friends. Please look forward to it. Thank you.


Last year, there were many good and bad things, but this year, we will show more music and I hope that everyone will always be healthy and happy.


We’ll be back with a great performance. I love you.


Subscribers of PRESSREELS and fans who love OnlyOneOf, I hope you have a lot of happy things this year, and please continue to love OnlyOneOf.

a word from an editor

Music is an art of hearing. The more we listen to it over and over again, the more we remember it. The story remains when the melody is forgotten. OnlyOneOf is solidifying its story with every album. This is why I want to look forward to it more and watch it. Thank you and stay safe!

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