McDonald’s Fries’ “Secret” Shared on TikTok Leaves Vegetarians Shocked

A TikTok content creator has shared a video about McDonald’s fries and revealed that the cooking method may not be suitable for vegetarians. Jordan Howlett has claimed that McDonald’s USA adds beef flavoring to its fries. However, McDonald's Canada, UK, and Australia do not cook their fries with beef flavoring. Howlett's video has been viewed over 10.2 million times and has received more than 1.5 million likes.

Jordan Howlett, a self-employed social media director from San Diego, has shared yet another viral video about McDonald’s on TikTok. Howlett, who prides himself on knowing fast food secrets, has claimed that McDonald’s USA adds beef flavoring to its fries. In his video, he noted that the cooking method might be “bad news for vegetarians.”

McDonald’s USA has long acknowledged that its fries are made with beef flavoring, according to marketing materials published by the company. The fast-food chain confirmed in a March 2021 FAQ response webpage that it adds flavorings to its fries.

While McDonald’s Canada, UK, and Australia do not cook their fries with beef flavoring, the corporate offices warn that suppliers may manufacture fries at facilities where common food allergens are also handled.

Howlett’s TikTok video about McDonald’s fries has been viewed more than 10.2 million times and received over 1.5 million likes. Many of Howlett’s followers were reportedly unaware that McDonald’s USA uses beef flavoring in its fries.

Commenters also noted that Howlett’s fast food secret is common knowledge among McDonald’s kitchen employees, vegetarians, and vegans.

In his previous videos, Howlett claims that he started a group called the “Fast Food Secrets Club” in college, where he and a few friends discussed little-known fast food facts. Jordan Howlett currently has 9.1 million followers on his @Jordan_The_Stallion8 TikTok account.