Mother of murdered 8-year-old boy to be sentenced for child endangerment

Jillian Godfrey faces charges related to the murder and torture of her son, Noah McIntosh, who was reported missing in March 2019 and is believed to be dead. His father, Bryce McIntosh, has been charged with murder and torture.

Mother of 8-year-old murder victim Noah McIntosh faces sentencing for child endangerment charges. Godfrey pled guilty to two counts of child endangerment in relation to her son’s death.

Noah was reported missing in March 2019, which later escalated to a homicide investigation. His father, Bryce McIntosh, was charged with first-degree murder and a special circumstance murder of torture.

Godfrey and Bryce were both arrested and charged with child abuse. Although Noah’s body has never been found, the subsequent search of several locations delivered evidence at each location.