Scott Baio Joins the List of Celebrities Leaving California

Actor Scott Baio, famous for his roles in "Happy Days" and "Charles in Charge," has announced he is leaving California due to safety concerns.

Another day, another celebrity leaves California. This time it’s Scott Baio, the actor famous for playing Chachi on “Happy Days” and later starring in “Charles in Charge.” Baio has announced that after more than four decades of living in the Golden State, he is leaving because it’s “not a safe place anymore.”

In a tweet, the 62-year-old Baio shared a local report about the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles and said he was leaving the state to “exit stage right.” He also stated that the rampant crime and lack of consequences for it has made California a less safe place to live.

Baio is not alone in his decision to leave California. Other celebrities, including Mark Wahlberg, Katherine Heigl, and Brad Pitt, have also relocated elsewhere due to similar concerns about safety and quality of life.

Baio has already listed his 5-bedroom, 4.5-bath mansion in Woodland Hills for $3.85 million on He purchased the property in 2010 for $1.85 million.

It remains to be seen whether more celebrities will follow in Baio’s footsteps and leave California, or if this trend is just a passing fad. Regardless, it seems that for many, the allure of Hollywood is no longer enough to overcome the very real concerns about safety and quality of life in the Golden State.