Ikon ‘Flower’ Hidden No.1…Full Version Stage First Announcement

iKON unveiled the full version of “Flower” on the air for the first time, which was chosen by fans as the number one hidden track.

iKON appeared on “Hidden Track 2,” a live show on the season on Thursday, and had a time to look for “hidden masterpieces that would be good to be known more.” iKON made a direct prediction before announcing “Icon’s tracks that fans want to see the most on stage.” The members unanimously picked “Flower” as the top choice.   

On the other hand, the third-place opinion was mixed. Kim Jin-hwan, Song Yun-hyeong, Koo Jun-hoe, Kim Dong-hyuk and Jung Chan-woo ranked “Ah Yeah” and “Beautiful” as the third. The members decided to penalize the “three sets of aegyo” if they fail to reach third place. 

The top candidates were ” Flower” and “Don’t Forget.” Of the two songs, “Flower” was chosen as the No. 1 song with the support of up to 22 percent of the fans. Following the fans’ votes, iKON unveiled the full version of “Flower” for the first time on the same day.  

“Flower” is a song from iKON’s third mini album “i DECIDE,” released in February, and is Donghyuk’s first self-composed song. After the album’s release, “Flower” also ranked on the music site’s real-time ranking, raising expectations for Donghyuk’s musical growth. 

“It’s also a fan song and I want to be comforted by a variety of people,” Kim said. What will happen if I don’t see my fans?” We also made the choreography ourselves,” he said after unveiling the process of the work, showing his affection for the first self-composed song, saying it means a lot to me and I feel attached to it.

Koo then said about the track “Don’t Forget” from his second full-length album “RETURN,” released in January 2018, that he had a message: “Don’t forget our brilliant and precious memories even if the months pass by.” It’s a sad breakup song,” Kim Dong-hyuk said, referring to some of the lyrics, “If I can’t remember it with all of you, just leave it as an unforgettable piece.”  

Third place was “JERK,” the track in the album “RETURN.” “You’re a good woman who accepted my bad personality, so I’m a bad guy,” Kim explained. Koo said, “There’s a blue feel to it. The mood and lyrics are good,” he added. 

The penalty was given to the third-place result that beat everyone’s expectations. iKON made fans laugh by showing a set of three cute action acts at a close distance to each other’s cheeks.

The fourth place was “Beautiful,” a non-title track from “RETURN.” Yunhyeong introduced the song as “pretty music that unravels the love of a boy as if he were falling in love with a girl.” Donghyuk said, “It’s a song with a more tempo than I thought. We had to learn the choreography in a short time, and the choreography was difficult,” he revealed the episode. 

“ADORE YOU” was fifth. The song is from “NEW KIDS: THE FINAL,” released in October 2018. The original title of the song was “Good Person,” but the lyrics “Adore You” fit better, making “Adore You” the song’s title, Chanwoo told the behind story.

The sixth place was “HUG ME,” which was included in “RETURN.” Jinhwan said, “Let’s hug him before we go to him just once. It’s a song for Kim Dong-hyuk, who has a pretty falsetto,” he explained The track “Ah Yeah” in the album “i DECIDE” was ranked seventh. Song said, “It’s the most energetic and icon-like song of iKON’s new songs. It’s a funnier song when you watch the stage performance,” he said.

The production team prepared a surprise birthday cake event for Koo, who celebrated his birthday on March 31. Koo made a wish, “I hope we can have lots of happy times with our fans this year.” Jihwan then said, “I’m working hard on the album. We hope to meet often this year,” he said to fans.

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