Summer Walker Did What?!

summer walker

Summer Walker, the singer whose debut album Over It and is currently doing pretty well on the charts, may have quite a bit of social anxiety, but fans still expect more from her.

There was a viral post circulating. It told of a new situation during a meet-and-greet with Walker.

The fan wrote on the social media, “Not only did she move the meet and greet last minute to after the show, the meet and greet itself was 5 seconds. We were informed to have our phones out ready with flash, and not to sit too close or touch her.

She barely spoke to anyone; every couple of people, she says, “Hi.” It was a big hurt piece for me because I idolized her and her work. I knew she was an introvert and closed off, but there was no effort in this at all, whatsoever”.

The fan furthermore said that “Never again! Ever. Summer, you lost a big fan. I’m glad this your first and last tour. You don’t deserve us!”

Are there people who support Summer Walker after this?

Aside from the mental advocates who thought she is doing the right thing by controlling herself, Melii, a New York artist who is doing the tour with her, supported her friend.

“U kill it every night n for those who don’t know; the experience is amazing n it’s what you make it! Summer has inspired me to keep going, work harder, and fall in love with music again. This experience has been awakening for men I want to thank you for this amazing opportunity and for reminding me why I love music!”

Most of the fans will be sad because out of 29 cities which she will initially tour, she only makes her shows in 9 of them.

“I’m a person; I have feelings. I get tired, I get sad, and it’s just a lot.” Social anxiety hit her bad “I want to give you all that I can, so I’m going to keep music, and I might do a few shows, but I can’t finish.” She added that wellness is essential to her.

Social anxiety disorder is defined to be a long-lasting and overwhelming fear of social situations. It is a problem that is common in teenagers. Symptoms of this disorder include everyday activities like meeting with new people, working, or even shopping. It is hard for them to control themselves. It’s even harder harder if they found themselves being observed.

Although Summer Walker has made some live performances in shows for 2019, she still hopes that people will understand what she is going through and to respect her decision. Her announcement came after the incident from the viral post of her fan. Tickets that were bought will be refunded.

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